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Some SF Themes I'd Like To See In 54mm Toy Soldiers

If I have three consistent interests, they are military history, fantasy and science fiction. It is because I like all three that I often combine them as I do in many of my wargames. As far as science fiction goes my favorite sub-themes are time travel and alternate history. A less well-known Australian SF story was The Time Guardian. A city of the future must constantly move to avoid the rampaging cyborgs called the Jen Diki. Other aspects of the story line borrow heavily from the Terminator movies with a human going back in time (in this case to a tiny outback town) there is a romantic interest from the 29th century sheila and a threat from time travelling cyborgs, as well as bungling and unpleasant cops. What I like about the cyborgs is their vaguely samurai appearance and their slow but relentless movement. They also look suitably evil as we get a glimpse of the shriveled, once human creatures within (shades of Daleks and Cybermen).   Another SF series I really like I encountered a

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